Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Such a time as this

You know, I have been around awhile, been through a very rough life like so many have. My life is not bad at all these days. Since I started seeking truth, and found Christ, a lot has changed since 1991 for me. My journey started well before that, but that year I really stepped up in my faith. In 1999 something shifted deep inside me and I believe I woke up spiritually. From that time on, things became pretty surreal to me. I cannot ever remember feeling the intense tension in the world or my spirit as I have been recently. I have been at the lowest of lows in my life many times, but this is different. These are very confusing and heated times my friends. This is not depression; it is the sick feeling in your stomach one gets when one realizes that it is all true. At the same time, the excitement stirs up in your heart that things are coming to a head and you will watch it all happen! It is almost over, Glory to our King and Savior Jesus Christ. Right now I see many running here and there saying "here he is, there he is". So much division, deception, panic, and most of all.....OBSESSION! Throw in some oppression and possession and you have a giant hodgepodge of confusion......and that is just amongst the believers! Lord come quickly lest even the elect be deceived. Yep, to live right now is bittersweet.